Mrs. Gauri Moitra - Pinless Computer Navigated Both Knees Replacement

Outstanding result after Total Knee Replacement, Mrs. Gauri Moitra very happy after the successful knee replacement and she is seen here sharing her experience.

Mrs. Kamlesh Mohindra - Both Total Knee Replacement by Pinless Computer Navigated Technique

In the last 27 years Dr. (Prof.) Anil Arora has had the fortune to be able to assist thousands of people get their mobility of limbs back. Mrs. Kamlesh Mohindra mother of Cardiologist (Dr. Kapil : Max Hospital) had knee problem and she came to Prof. Arora who performed Both Total Knee Replacement by Pinless Computer Navigated surgery on her.

Mrs. Suman Sachdeva - Bilateral Total Knee Replacement

Mrs. Sachdeva's case was unique as she had not walked for the last 30 years owing to extremely bad condition of her knees. Her condition was so bad that that she had to be literally dragged by her family members for her ablutions. This put tremenous pressure on her and her family who were mute spectators to her wasting away.

Finally wisdom prevailed and she was brought to Dr. Arora who advised her family to go in for Total Knee Replacement immediately. Her condition can be seen here as she was admitted to the hospital. Mrs. Sachdeva is seen here walking with the aid of a walker 3 days after the successful TKR performed by Dr. Arora. Considering that she had'nt walked for the past 30 years, this is a remarkable improvement and this is because of perfect soft tissue balancing and component positioning at the time of knee replacement by Dr. Arora.